Our services
What We Offer
We offer a top-quality array of flexible software solutions that meet the needs of K-12 schools and higher education institutions. Our solutions include ♣ managing student information ♣ school operational management system ♣ advanced lesson creation, management, and delivery system ♣ program outcomes assessment ♣ continuous improvement ♣ comprehensive survey system and ♣ institutional self-study system.
We have extensive experience working with K-12 schools and higher education institutions to provide our standard services to meet their needs.
Our team can work on your technology needs and provide effective consultancy to data analysis and assessment preparation in meeting standards.
We are IEdTech certified
EvalTools 7.0 is LTI 1.3 Advantage Complete certified. You can rest assured that you'll be able to integrate your third-party toolsets into EvalTools LMS 3.0.
Registration number: IMSD2C6C25C26C27me2022W1
EvalTools is also OneRoster 1.1 Certified.
Registration number:
WHY AdamTools for
K - 12
- Dealing with multiple software packages just to manage student information and school operational functions?
- Data not centralized or easily accessible, must be entered multiple times?
- Difficulty in tracking data to meet state standards?
- Difficulty in reporting data?
- Overwhelmed with special education needs?
Solutions Available
- AdamTools®Suite
- AdamTools® School Management System
- AdamTools® Enroll
- AdamTools®SIS
- AdamTools® Special Ed.
- AdamTools® PBS
- EvalTools® K12 LMS
WHY EvalTools for
Higher Ed.
- Still deal with paper surveys?
- Inconsistent program assessment processes among departments/programs?
- Lack of a tracking mechanism for gauging success in student learning?
- No roll-up data from individual programs to university-wide outcomes?
- Existing LMS cannot effectively do program or student outcomes assessment?
- Lack of capacity to track faculty's teaching data? Difficulties with the self-study process?

Solutions Available
- EvalTools® HigherEd LMS
- EvalTools® OAS
- EvalTools® Stream
- EvalTools® Meet
- EvalTools® CIMS
- EvalTools® Advising
- EvalTools® Survey
- EvalTools® Self-Study
- EvalTools® Community
- EvalTools® Evaluator Portal
Why We Create EvalTools
EvalTools® resolves a nightmare of paperwork, endless coordination among faculty members’ preparation work for program assessment, and time-consuming effort of data collection, compilation, evaluation, and closing the loop for improvement.
What's in LMS 3.0
OBE – Outcomes-Based Education.
EvalTools® LMS 3.0 goes beyond a technology that includes traditional lessons, assignments, gradable online quizzes, lesson plans, grade books, and attendance. EvalTools® LMS 3.0 tracks and monitors each program’s effectiveness in teaching delivery and gauging student learning meets targeted learning outcomes.
Why LMS 3.0 for OBE
Interview with Dr. Fong Mak, CEO, MAKTEAM Software, by Marcus Evans.
To take universities to the next level of education, the focus must be on learning outcomes
Shared Experiences

User Created Videos
Our users are actively sharing their experiences!
- How to use EvalTools
- Digital Technology for Outcomes Assessment
- CIMS - Continous Improvement System
- and more
Helpful Reading

We collected users' publications that illustrate best practices for Outcomes-based Assessment and Outcomes-based Education.
Our Partner: IN4OBE

International Network for Outcome-Based Education
A team of highly dedicated researchers, leaders, and educators established IN4OBE to keep the flame of authentic Outcome Based Education worldwide for the sixth decade. That visionary flame continues to empower every learner and leader within OBE's reach to develop the skills and attributes that elevate humanity and its evolving future.
We have organized many workshops, webinars, and events. EvalTools is the sorely selected tool for OBE implementation.
Clients Testimonials
We Listen and We Care
Ramakrishnan Sundaram
Faculty, Gannon University
Through the efficient integration of course evaluation and lesson management, EvalTools has successfully established a single platform for instructors to interact with the students and the course materials.
Davide Pioveson
Program Director, Bio-Medical Engineering, Gannon University
The feature of exporting a report in Word to allow me to include examples of student evaluations in the ABET report is excellent!
Tim Burbules
Student, Gannon University
The overwhelming feeling I get in using EvalTools over ANGLE is the smoothness and conciseness of its operation. The layout is good, and the navigation is easy to follow.
Esther Schrager
Attendance/EMIS/SOLES Coordinator, VirtualSchoolHouse, Ohio
In AdamTools, the SSID for enrolling students is great! I don’t have to keep copying them over once they’re in. This feature makes my work a lot easier.
We Offer Possibilites
We are your reliable assistant at work!

Our product suites are modular. You can pick and choose the modules that suit your needs.

"We use the most advanced features in EvalTools that allows us to implement a comprehensive continual quality improvement (CQI) process flow for an FCAR plus the use of specific in-depth performance indicators model. We achieved successful accreditation for three CAC and three EAC programs by critically examining our curriculum assessment for all three domains of Bloom's."
Wajid Hussain, Director, Office of Quality and Accreditation, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University in Madinah
EvalTools® is the ONLY assessment tool endorsed by Spady & Uy Center as the OBE Tool. It is the ONLY tool featured in Asia's first OBE iCON 2016 conference
IN4OBE.org recognizes EvalTools as the next generation of LMS going beyond a technology that includes traditional LMS features for day-to-day activities. IN4OBE, in particular, endorses EvalTools® for its capability to track each student's learning against targeted outcomes aligned with the philosophy of an authentic OBE. IN4OBE designates EvalTools as the ONLY platform for OBE implementation and features EvalTools in Global Virtual Education Summit 2022.
Success Stories
In our most recent ABET visit in 2011, EvalTools® was a 'great tool' to apply because it provided a thorough and solid assessment mechanism for improving the program that helps us in the accreditation process…."
Mohammed Eltayeb, Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering, Frostburg State University
"The ECE department passed the accreditation process beautifully in 2005, 2011, and 2017 using the Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR) as the assessment model for program assessment. EvalTools® streamlines the assessment processes by providing a structured data collection and analysis process, easy tracking of course outcomes mapping to student outcomes, and closing the loop for curriculum improvement. Using EvalTools certainly reduces headaches and stress for a chair".
Fong Mak, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Gannon University, 2000-2013