EvalTools® OAS

EvalTools® OAS --Outcomes Assessment System—is designed to support a well-accepted quality improvement assessment process. EvalTools® categorizes the quality improvement process into three levels: program educational objective (PEO) assessment, student outcomes (SO) assessment, and course outcomes (CO) assessment. EvalTools® provides rich and relevant features to support each of these three levels of assessment activities.

EvalTools® Outcomes Assessment Model

Levels of Assessment

Level 1 (L1): PEO Assessment

PEOs are your targeted education objectives that you expect your graduate to grow into three to five years after graduation. Hence, it is the hardest to assess and has the most extended assessment cycle from three to five years.

Level 2 (L2): SO Assessment

SO assessment cycle usually spans one to three years, depending on your assessment plan. You do not need to assess all SOs in a year. To make the workload more reasonable, you could evenly spread SO assessment over three years.

Level 3 (L2): CO Assessment

CO assessment is not a mandate for ABET accreditation. However, EvalTools® advocates aligning your teaching objectives with the performance indicators (PI) for relevant student outcomes. You should perform CO and PI assessments yearly to provide feedback on time to improve teaching and learning.

EvalTools® OAS Addresses The Following Important Issues

EvalTools® OAS Key Features


EvalTools® Assessment Steps

To learn more, please read the brochure on the right.


EvalTools® PEO Assessment Cycle

PEO Assessment Cycle Key Concept

The PEO assessment cycle is 3 to 5 years, focusing on fulfilling the constituents' needs at this level. We seek input and insight for gauging the success of achieving the PEOs from two different avenues, the external view of meeting the PEOs as they are intended, and the internal perspective of meeting the PEOs for providing the necessary skill sets to prepare students. We focus on addressing the following two questions:


For the assessment process, the data are rolled up and gathered primarily from these two sources: 1) external view of meeting PEOs based on alumni feedback and 2) internal view of meeting PEOs from the student outcomes attainment process. However, for the evaluation process, in addition to taking the feedback from the PEO assessment process, the relevant question is:

SO Assessment Cycle Key Concept

The student outcomes are used to assess PEOs as an internal view of meeting PEOs. As illustrated in Figure on the right, student outcomes attainment is assessed from three sources, the alumni survey, the senior exit survey, and roll-up data from course-outcomes assessment. 

To get faculty involved, EvalTools® advocates for faculty members to own the assessment process. As indicated in the Figure, each faculty member is responsible for one student outcome and the corresponding sets of PIs. The responsible faculty member will call a meeting according to the relevant matrix of courses that map to the specific student outcome. The curriculum outcomes matrix defines the mapping from the entire courses offered by the program to student outcomes. From the curriculum outcomes mapping matrix, each student outcome has a pre-determined set of courses that contributes to assessing a particular student outcome. Faculty members who teach the matrix of courses will automatically form the corresponding required committee for reviewing and evaluating the learning of that specific student outcome.

EvalTools® SO Assessment Cycle

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