AdamTools® SIS
AdamTools® is designed as a one-stop-shop for student information management from application through graduation. It efficiently manages information through simple, integrated, feature-rich functional managers to streamline a K-12 school's operation functions.
K-12 Effective Management Toolset
AdamTools® is an effective management tool for school operations. It encompasses online and on-site admission, course scheduling, registration, attendance management, report cards, transcript management, HR, and fee management. More importantly, AdamTools® comes with App for teachers and parents to provide close communication between teachers and parents for students’ and schools’ announcements.
It allows data management for multiple districts with centralized management features if desired. Inherently, AdamTools® enables users to have different access rights so that district, school, or student data can be appropriately managed and controlled.
- App for teachers
- App for parents
- Gallery Manager
- Announcment Manager
- Homeroom Manager
- Class Scheduling Manager
- Notes Manager
AdamTools SIS Essentials
AdamTools 3.0
AdamToolsisspecificallydesigned to streamline your school’s operational functions. Better yet, it allows data management for
multiple districts with centralized management
Main Features of AdamTools for The K-12 Suite
Transcript Manager
- Centralized grade entry
- Easy generation of student transcripts
- Effective monitoring of academic performance
Student Manager
- Centralized tracking of student demographic information, contacts, and supporting admissions documents
- Convenient individual student course schedules
- Simple interface and tracking of communication with parents or guardians
- Easy monitoring of attendance records and grades and final transcript generation
Enrollment Manager
- Comprehensive management of the student admissions process, online or on campus
- Email alerts for quick follow-up of new online applicants
- Easy tracking of student application status
- Customizable online application form
- Centralized recordkeeping for supporting admissions documents
- Customized display of school logo and contact information on the online application form
- Full control of the admissions process and data
- Customized notification of accepted students to selected personnel such as teachers, counselors
Course Manager
- Centralized management of each school district's course offerings
- Easy creation of master course schedules with dates, times, and locations for online display or distribution
- Simple ways to assign courses to teachers and students
- Even tracking of past-term master course schedules
Attendance Manager
- Most comprehensive attendance tracking system
- Student attendance records are searchable by course or by student
- Easy monitoring/tracking of attendance records in all courses
- Easy monitoring/tracking of school attendance records for any selected period
- PDF report generation for attendance records
- Intelligent analysis of attendance rates for students, classes, or the entire school district
School Unit Manager
AdamTools 3.0 can be deployed at a state level to manage all school districts via a common monitoring system.
- Centralized management of data for a school district or multiple school districts at different locations
- School district personnel (teacher, staff, etc.) are assigned access rights pertaining only to their school district
- A super administrator determines how AdamTools is to be deployed and how school districts are managed
Why Choose Us
We provide a centralized location for you to access your data. Data are securely and redundantly backed up.
We customize any module to suit your school
We connect all teachers and parents with apps and a web portal
EvalTools LMS for K-12
EvalTools® LMS K-12 is designed NOT only for a day-to-day classroom activity but also for gauging learning and teaching delivery in meeting standards. Its design is parallel to Google Classroom’s features just so that the transition to EvalTools® is easy for those teachers who are familiar with Google Classroom. Better yet, eliminate the confusing interfaces students commonly complain about in Google Classroom.
Customizable Lesson Plan
A customizable lesson plan for each school to achieve a common platform for contents delivery.
Daily Activities At a Glance
Centralized daily activities at a glance in home page to display key daily activities for students.
Close Communication with Your Classes
Easy-to-use comments interface for communication between students in class and teacher.
School or Class Announcement
Class announcement or school announcement are on homepage for both teachers and students.
Assignment Tracking
Assignments submission and tracking are made simple.
Video Manager
EvalTools® Video is designed to keep your intellectual properties within your school and under your control. Why post your lecture videos to YouTube and give up control of the ownership of your hardwork.
Live Meeting
In view of COVID-19 and the need for live meeting for future instructions, EvalTools® Meet is designed to fulfill the daily online live remote instructions.
EvalTools® Meet
EvalTools® Meet is a fully integrated module into EvalTools®. Once you set up a meeting, students join your meeting by simply a click when they are in your classroom. That means you do NOT need to invite students to your meeting separately.
- Chat – send public and private messages
- Webcams – host vitual meetings
- Audo – communicate using high quality audio
- Emojis – express yourself
- Breakout rooms – group users into breakout rooms for team collaboration
- Polling – poll your users anytime
- Screen sharing – share your screen
- Multi-user whiteboard – draw together
Principal Office:
EvalTools® provides dashboard features for the principal to view the overall teachers' activities.
We make AdamTools® easy to use. We provide a fully supported online hosted solution so that you won't worry about
- secure data backup and maintenance
- maintain/training full-time IT personnel

Effective Communication with Parents
AdamTools® comes with Apps for teachers and parents. School principals can choose to approve the message from teachers before sending it out to parents or allow total autonomy. The App nurtures a closer relationship with students' parents, and keeps them well-informed.
Announcement Manager
We make school announcements easy to manage. School can draft the announcement and schedule the date and time for the announcement, AdamTools® will send them out via emails and SMS messages.
Gallery Manager
What will be the best way to keep parents happy? show them their latest activity photos of their kids. AdamTools® makes it very easy for you to organize the photos in categories or homerooms or even specific parents. Soon, we will also release the module on forming a yearbook from the collected photos.
Report Cards
AdamTools® comes with customized report cards to your needs. Parents can view their kids' report cards either on a mobile App or online. Parents love the flexibilities to monitor their kid's learning progress anytime and anywhere.
Fee Manager
If your school collects tuition from students, this module will make your life easier by customizing what you want to charge and generating reports monthly.
Class Scheduling
Class scheduling is always a tedious task. School wants an overall report for the class schedule. Parents want their kids' class schedules readily available. Principals want to know each teacher's teaching schedule. Each homeroom has its own schedule. The good thing is AdamTools® can handle this easily for you.
AdamTools Offer Flexibilities
We went through many iterations of design enhancement by including direct inputs from our clients. AdamTools manages your admission, student information, course scheduling, and report cards. AdamTools® provides easy and meaningful ways of communicating with parents to keep them informed and closely interacting with their teachers.
For example, Parents can access the homeroom class schedule via their App. AdamTools keep parents closer to classroom activities and students' learning.